Achieving cultural justice in light of cultural work between the Ministry of Culture and civil society

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The NGO Sustainability Observatory of the Arab Center for the Sustainability of Civil Work issues a policy paper entitled:
“Achieving cultural justice in light of cultural work between the Ministry of Culture and civil society” The paper was the result of a “round table” discussion group organized under the umbrella of the Ministry of Culture and in the presence of a number of experts and representatives of civil society organizations, the governmental and private sectors, and international organizations concerned with the cultural field in Egypt. Participated in The meeting included a number of experts and representatives of international and governmental bodies, civil society and the media. The discussion took place among the participants around four axes: -
The first axis: The role of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture in providing cultural work
The second axis: The role of civil society in providing cultural work in Egypt
The third axis: Cultural justice in the National Strategy 2030
The fourth axis: Partnership between the government sector and civil society organizations
The paper includes a discussion of the active role played by the Ministry of Culture and Civil Society in achieving cultural justice, and what are the challenges facing achieving this? How can it be overcome?